Monday, May 16, 2011

Sony's Network

If you are unaware or don't happen to have a Playstation, the Playstation Network has been down for the past month.  Parts of the network are just now coming back and Sony expects the full network to be back by the end of May.  The big question now is: How many people will come back and trust Sony and the Playstation Network again?  If you really don't know -- Playstation Network was hacked and brought down about a month ago.  The Hackers stole Names, Addresses, Phone numbers, Credit Card Numbers, Logins, and Passwords.  Sony brought down their Network and re-built it from the ground up to add more security measures and increase the stability of their network.  The country of Japan has also weighed in recently and said that they would block the network until Japan can be assured that the network is secure.


Netflix just signed another multi-year streaming deal -- this time with Miramax.  This will bring movies like Pulp Fiction, the Scream Movies, Kill Bill Movies, Cinderella Man, The Spy Kids Movies, and several other well known movies to streaming...  What makes the deal more valuable is the fact that Netflix is the first Streaming company that Miramax has signed on with...  The more first time and/or exclusive contracts that Netflix does like this the more saying power (control) they will have in bringing current running or past running shows to the Netflix network.  Miramax shows start streaming to Netflix in June and more shows will continue to come for several months after...

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Time To Blog Again

It's been a month since I've written a blog entry and alot has gone on in that time.  Here are some updates in the realm of Technology.

After years of speculation, it's finally happening...  AT&T is buying T-Mobile's USA Network.  This would in effect make AT&T the largest (in terms of customer base) mobile network in the US.  Rumors have also abounded as to whether Verizon will now also purchase Sprint, but Verizon has said not.  Still the buyout T-Mobile is both a good thing and bad thing for consumers.  It means that prices will most likely be increasing, especially those moving to Verizon either because of the buyout or because of the fact that they are tired of AT&T Service.  The buyout approval still has to go through Government Speculation -- and more than ever will probably be fought over, as the buyout means Mama Bell (AT&T) will have a GSM Monopoly in the US.

The ASUS EEE Pad Transformer has finally officially been announced, although still no price and where you will be able to purchase the device.  At this point, I'm leaning more towards getting the Motorola Xoom, but the wifi only version (which doesn't have the 3g capability and the monthly bills to Verizon) available at Staples, Sams Club, Best Buy,, and various other retailers.  The wifi version sells for about $599.  Since I last blogged, I have had a chance to get my hands on a demo of the Motorola Xoom and check out Honeycomb (Android 3.0).  The Xoom really has a nice feel to it, sturdy in my hands, and alot more comfortable to hold than the iPad.  I will still probably wait till I can test a EEE Pad Transformer, before I make my final decision.  Heck, I may even test out (darn I say it) the iPad 2.

On to phones and cell phone technology.  First, Verizon has announced more cities to receive 4G by the end of the year.  The list of cities (145 total for 2011) is mostly comprised of cities on the east coast, but does include several in the mid-west and west coast as well.  Lexington, KY is not included in the list, but Louisville is.  Here is the full list:

There are several new smartphones that are coming to market, but that will have to wait for the next post.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Major changes are coming for Netflix...  Some are already there and others coming soon...  Over the past few months, Netflix completed a Direct contract with ABC.  This of course brings -- ABC Shows, Disney Channel, ABC Family, and several movie studios' movies/shows to Netflix.  Now Netflix has completed a two-year contract with CBS, which will bring Full Seasons of shows like Family Ties, Star Trek, Cheers, Twin Peaks, The Twilight Zone and Medium to Netflix starting in April for your Instant Watching pleasure.

This is right in succession with Netflix's plan to transform their service into a strictly Instant Streaming service in two years and will set them right on track to compete against big names coming into Streaming Service arena.  Some of the big names coming soon include: Walmart, (already available), Hulu (with a more immediate play type service), and Redbox among others.

I expect that Netflix will be signing with NBC/Comcast soon, although this will be a much more difficult and strewn-out process.  This is considering that Netflix through Level3 (which stores all Netflix's Streaming movies) has been fighting back and forth with Comcast for a long time.  Plus Comcast also owns Hulu, which is a competing service to Netflix.  Since, I'm sure this Contract with NBC with happen sometime in the two years.

Look forward to more changes in Netflix this year as they continue to move from a Mail-Order Service to strictly Internet Streaming Service.


Since I haven't written a blog entry for acouple of weeks, I thought I'd chime in and give you an update.  This entry is more of a personal entry and not really Tech related, but I'm sure you will enjoy reading it anyway.

Since last September, God has laid it on my heart to make a location change and move from Lexington, KY to Anderson, SC.  I've never really felt at home in KY (although I've been here for 19 years), but still it kinda came as a surprise to me.  Anderson, SC???  Really???  Why there???  But then after a Conference that I attend every so often in Atlanta, I made my way to Anderson, SC.  Immediately, driving into Anderson there was something there -- a feeling like I had lived there my whole life.  I don't know how to put it in words -- it just felt like I was supposed to be there.

So the process began -- why was I supposed to be there???  I started planning -- mainly by searching for jobs.  Nothing.  Jobs are there -- available, but qualifications don't match...  Errrrr...  But I continued on...  I guess what I also forgot to mention -- that back when I traveled to Anderson, I found a church there that I felt at home at and since October I have been watching their services online every single week (for almost 6 months)...

So, after semi-fighting it -- I will officially be moving to Anderson, SC in May -- 1 week before my Parents move to Austin, TX...  Big Changes!!!  But all for the best!!!  I will still be working for myself in Anderson and hoping to start computer consulting there like I have in Lexington for the past 10 years...  I also look forward to being able to use my many Tech Gifts (Computers, Audio/Video, etc.) at My Church, Newspring...

I look forward to the new adventures that God has planned for me, as I take this new journey in my life...  Lord, I'm All In!!!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

New Tech Devices

What new Tech Devices are you looking forward to that are coming out in the next few months?

There are several that I'm looking forward to, but the two main ones are:

  • Motorola Xoom (Release Date: February 24th | Price: $800)
  • ASUS EEE Pad Transformer (Release Date: April | Price: $399 – $699)
Both are Android Honeycomb (Android 3.0) tablets.  One of the biggest differences is price.  And that will probably be the biggest factor on which tablet I purchase.  Even though I'm still leaning more towards the Transformer, mainly because of the cool dock that makes it a netbook and the that it's half the price of the Xoom.

The Transformer has alot of the same options as the Xoom.  The battery life is 8-hours without the docked keyboard and 16-hours with the docked keyboard.  When docked, the Transformer folds just like a netbook or any laptop computer and works as a case -- protecting the 10.1" screen.

The Xoom, which also has a 10.1" screen, has everything you would want in a tablet.  Also, is hardware upgradeable to 4G when available.

What products are you looking forward to?

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Android Apps

With the announcement and release of a web-based Android App store ( this week, I thought I would take a minute to talk about Android Apps.

There are now around 50,000+ Android Apps out there...  Some are great, some are good, some are bad, and some are down right ugly.  This is mostly due to the fact that anyone (absolutely anyone) can develop apps these days and unlike the Apple App Store, which has an approval process for apps before they are per-se open to the public, the Google/Android App Store does not.  This means -- that even some one that just touched a computer for the first time this week could be creating an app that you will eventually download because it "looks good" or because it "does want I need it to do".  But this app, although not intentionally written to malicious, could just be writing very poorly -- meaning crashes, lock-ups, or even data loss on your Android Device.

So how do you tell which apps are good or bad?  Well, for the most part you can't, without downloading them and then finding out.  Some apps have been rated or commented on which can help, but not always.

Here is a list of some of the apps that I've used -- some I use regularly, some I've downloaded, run once, then discarded: (Feel free to add a comment with your own list or if there is a type of app that you are looking for and want me to research it let me know)

Top of the List
- Lookout -- Security/Malicious Scan for your Android Apps (I use the premium version -- $30/year)
- TweetDeck -- Same Social Network App that's available for Desktops
- Firefox -- although this is officially still in beta, I still think it's the best browser out there
- AK Notepad - Small Notepad type app
- Bump - Allows you to share contacts, apps, pictures, etc with other people easily -- just literally "Bump"
- YouVersion Bible -- Best Bible App out there
- BuzzBox -- Simple RSS App to read news from several resources on the net
- MyTasks - a simple todo list
- ScreenOn - allows you to set your screen to stay on when certain events happen (ex. A Phone call)

These are my top.  Now there are several other apps that I use regularly and I will add them here sometime over the weekend.  The other apps that are good right off the bat are those where the publisher is the company that you are looking for.  NOTE: NEVER!!!  NEVER!!! NEVER, Download or use an app that is made for a well-known company that is not published by that well-known company.  For Example: right now there are several apps out there for Netflix, but none of them are written by Netflix the Company -- hold off, wait for the "official app".  I'm not saying that these others are bad, but they are more likely to be versus an official app.

Some of the companies that I know about that have written official apps are:
Amazon (standard app, kindle app, mp3 app), Audible, Best Buy, Chase Bank, ebay, fandango, Kayak, Barnes&Noble Nook App, Pandora, Skype, Target, UPS, and Walgreens.

Again I'm certain there are more official apps out there, but these are the ones that I'm aware of right now.

Happy hunting for your Android Apps -- I will add more to the list soon.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Back to Blogging

Wow!!!  It's been over 3 years since I have done anything with this blog.  Alot has changed in the past 3 years.  I now officially opening up this blog again and look forward to blogging here on a regular basis.  Why the sudden change, you ask?  As life change happens, so do the things we feel (or decide) are necessary to more or less expand our horizons, to seek out, to boldly go where no one has gone before...  :)  Excuse the pun...

This new blog will be a mix of reflections of my daily life journey's and updates into new technologies (devices, software, etc.) and other ideas about technology related content.

I suppose as my first blog post, I should post something about the iPhone 4, which is now available for order through Verizon Wireless for current customers and soon available for order to everyone else.  Those who have known me a long time, know that I've never really been a big fan of Apple.  I grew up working with PC's (even though my school had MAC's).  And still think that PC's are better than Mac's.  But on that same token, as a Technology Consultant I believe in suggesting products that are the best suited for the customer, client, friend, etc.  And this comes from constantly researching products and keeping up to date on what products are good, bad, or ugly in the market place.  What works for one person/client may not necessarily work best for another client?  And just because a product is perceived as "new" or "cool" does not mean it's best for the client either.

Given Apple's 1 year Development Cycle, I would say the Verizon iPhone 4 (which is already more than 8 months old) is one of those products.

I know your on AT&T's crappy network and you can't wait another minute to be able to move to a better network, but hold off.  I would expect Apple to announce a new iPhone in mid-summer (probably July or August) -- upgrade to the Verizon iPhone then.  That way you won't get locked into a 2-year contract and pay large penalties for trading up to the iPhone 5 when it comes out this summer.