Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Major changes are coming for Netflix...  Some are already there and others coming soon...  Over the past few months, Netflix completed a Direct contract with ABC.  This of course brings -- ABC Shows, Disney Channel, ABC Family, and several movie studios' movies/shows to Netflix.  Now Netflix has completed a two-year contract with CBS, which will bring Full Seasons of shows like Family Ties, Star Trek, Cheers, Twin Peaks, The Twilight Zone and Medium to Netflix starting in April for your Instant Watching pleasure.

This is right in succession with Netflix's plan to transform their service into a strictly Instant Streaming service in two years and will set them right on track to compete against big names coming into Streaming Service arena.  Some of the big names coming soon include: Walmart, Amazon.com (already available), Hulu (with a more immediate play type service), and Redbox among others.

I expect that Netflix will be signing with NBC/Comcast soon, although this will be a much more difficult and strewn-out process.  This is considering that Netflix through Level3 (which stores all Netflix's Streaming movies) has been fighting back and forth with Comcast for a long time.  Plus Comcast also owns Hulu, which is a competing service to Netflix.  Since, I'm sure this Contract with NBC with happen sometime in the two years.

Look forward to more changes in Netflix this year as they continue to move from a Mail-Order Service to strictly Internet Streaming Service.

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