Thursday, February 3, 2011

Back to Blogging

Wow!!!  It's been over 3 years since I have done anything with this blog.  Alot has changed in the past 3 years.  I now officially opening up this blog again and look forward to blogging here on a regular basis.  Why the sudden change, you ask?  As life change happens, so do the things we feel (or decide) are necessary to more or less expand our horizons, to seek out, to boldly go where no one has gone before...  :)  Excuse the pun...

This new blog will be a mix of reflections of my daily life journey's and updates into new technologies (devices, software, etc.) and other ideas about technology related content.

I suppose as my first blog post, I should post something about the iPhone 4, which is now available for order through Verizon Wireless for current customers and soon available for order to everyone else.  Those who have known me a long time, know that I've never really been a big fan of Apple.  I grew up working with PC's (even though my school had MAC's).  And still think that PC's are better than Mac's.  But on that same token, as a Technology Consultant I believe in suggesting products that are the best suited for the customer, client, friend, etc.  And this comes from constantly researching products and keeping up to date on what products are good, bad, or ugly in the market place.  What works for one person/client may not necessarily work best for another client?  And just because a product is perceived as "new" or "cool" does not mean it's best for the client either.

Given Apple's 1 year Development Cycle, I would say the Verizon iPhone 4 (which is already more than 8 months old) is one of those products.

I know your on AT&T's crappy network and you can't wait another minute to be able to move to a better network, but hold off.  I would expect Apple to announce a new iPhone in mid-summer (probably July or August) -- upgrade to the Verizon iPhone then.  That way you won't get locked into a 2-year contract and pay large penalties for trading up to the iPhone 5 when it comes out this summer.

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