Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Since I haven't written a blog entry for acouple of weeks, I thought I'd chime in and give you an update.  This entry is more of a personal entry and not really Tech related, but I'm sure you will enjoy reading it anyway.

Since last September, God has laid it on my heart to make a location change and move from Lexington, KY to Anderson, SC.  I've never really felt at home in KY (although I've been here for 19 years), but still it kinda came as a surprise to me.  Anderson, SC???  Really???  Why there???  But then after a Conference that I attend every so often in Atlanta, I made my way to Anderson, SC.  Immediately, driving into Anderson there was something there -- a feeling like I had lived there my whole life.  I don't know how to put it in words -- it just felt like I was supposed to be there.

So the process began -- why was I supposed to be there???  I started planning -- mainly by searching for jobs.  Nothing.  Jobs are there -- available, but qualifications don't match...  Errrrr...  But I continued on...  I guess what I also forgot to mention -- that back when I traveled to Anderson, I found a church there that I felt at home at and since October I have been watching their services online every single week (for almost 6 months)...

So, after semi-fighting it -- I will officially be moving to Anderson, SC in May -- 1 week before my Parents move to Austin, TX...  Big Changes!!!  But all for the best!!!  I will still be working for myself in Anderson and hoping to start computer consulting there like I have in Lexington for the past 10 years...  I also look forward to being able to use my many Tech Gifts (Computers, Audio/Video, etc.) at My Church, Newspring...

I look forward to the new adventures that God has planned for me, as I take this new journey in my life...  Lord, I'm All In!!!

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